Monday, June 24, 2013

UniDB (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite)

PHP Scripts - UniDB (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite) - CodeCanyon

UniDB (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite) his title this type of PHPScripts/DatabaseAbstractions This time I will review,made by Samnan, PHPScripts/DatabaseAbstractions is sold at a price of $6 in CodeCanyon.
UniDB (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite) - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
database class // mysql // postgresql // sqlite //
Created 3 June 13
Last Update 3 June 13
Software Version PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0 - 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x, Other
High Resolution No
Files Included PHP

UniDB is an object library that provides a unified codebase for connecting to and using either MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite databases. Without knowing any internals of specifics, you can use the same code to talk to any of these databases. Changing the underlying database in your application will require no change in your code at all, if you are using the classes provided in this package. You can also use more than one type of databases in your application using UniDB objects.

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