Monday, April 2, 2012

Minimal HTML/CSS Landing page Landing Pages Marketing

Marketing - Minimal HTML/CSS Landing page | ThemeForest

Minimal HTML/CSS Landing page Landing Pages Marketing his title this type of Marketing/LandingPages This time I will review,made by gigileo, Marketing/LandingPages is sold at a price of $8 in themeforest.
Minimal HTML/CSS Landing page - Landing Pages Marketing
bx slider // clean // clear // easy // green // grey // jquery // mosaic // simple //
Created 14 March 12
Last Update 14 March 12
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Rebecca Modern eCommerce PSD Template Shopping Retail

PSD Templates - Rebecca - Modern eCommerce PSD Template | ThemeForest

Rebecca Modern eCommerce PSD Template Shopping Retail his title this type of PSDTemplates/Retail/Shopping This time I will review,made by BittLoader, PSDTemplates/Retail/Shopping is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.
Rebecca - Modern eCommerce PSD Template - Shopping Retail
beauty // clean // ecommerce // fashion // modern // professional // psd // shop // shopping // store // template // unique //
Created 28 February 13
Last Update 28 February 13
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD
High Resolution No
Layered? Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS

Vixell Script Business and portfolio template Creative Site Templates

Site Templates - Vixell Script - Business and portfolio template | ThemeForest

Vixell Script Business and portfolio template Creative Site Templates his title this type of SiteTemplates/Creative This time I will review,made by Voodoo-pixel, SiteTemplates/Creative is sold at a price of $13 in themeforest.
Vixell Script - Business and portfolio template - Creative Site Templates
blog // blue // business // jquery // portfolio // sidebar // slider //
Created 6 February 12
Last Update 31 January 13
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Magento Theme MT Kimba Magento eCommerce

eCommerce - Magento Theme MT Kimba | ThemeForest

Magento Theme MT Kimba Magento eCommerce his title this type of eCommerce/Magento This time I will review,made by magentothemes, eCommerce/Magento is sold at a price of $75 in themeforest.
Magento Theme MT Kimba - Magento eCommerce
fashion magento themes // fashion themes // magento themes // sport magento themes // sport themes //
Created 16 May 12
Last Update 19 June 13
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento
Compatible With Bootstrap 2.3.x, Bootstrap 2.2.2, Bootstrap 2.2.1, Bootstrap 2.1.1, Bootstrap 2.1.0, Bootstrap 2.0.4, Bootstrap 2.0.3, Bootstrap 2.0.2, Bootstrap 2.0.1, Bootstrap 2.0
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Charity Charity Nonprofit

Site Templates - Charity | ThemeForest

Charity Charity Nonprofit his title this type of SiteTemplates/Nonprofit/Charity This time I will review,made by Sitebase, SiteTemplates/Nonprofit/Charity is sold at a price of $12 in themeforest. Charity - Charity Nonprofit buddha // charity // clean // form // gallery // gray // grunge // htm5 // indian // jquery // lightbox // minimalism // orange // php // project //
Created 24 September 10
Last Update 24 September 10
Compatible Browsers Chrome 4, Chrome 5, Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, Opera, Safari
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, HTML Files, JS Files, Layered PSD, PHP Files

Prambanan Under Construction HTML Template Under Construction Specialty Pages

Site Templates - Prambanan - Under Construction HTML Template | ThemeForest

Prambanan Under Construction HTML Template Under Construction Specialty Pages his title this type of SiteTemplates/SpecialtyPages/UnderConstruction This time I will review,made by JOGJAfile, SiteTemplates/SpecialtyPages/UnderConstruction is sold at a price of $5 in themeforest.
Prambanan - Under Construction HTML Template - Under Construction Specialty Pages
coming soon // css // html // multi purpose // responsive // template // under construction //
Created 7 February 13
Last Update 9 May 13
Columns 3
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Webworks Creative PSD Template Creative PSD Templates

PSD Templates - Webworks - Creative PSD Template | ThemeForest

Webworks Creative PSD Template Creative PSD Templates his title this type of PSDTemplates/Creative This time I will review,made by yashma, PSDTemplates/Creative is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.
Webworks - Creative PSD Template - Creative PSD Templates
adaptive // charity // children // creative // elegant // grid // pattern // personal // pgraphics // portfolio // psd // responsive // template // typography //
Created 18 January 12
Last Update 28 March 12
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD, JPG Image
Layered? Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS3
Pixel Dimensions 1920x1024

WP Capture Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme Creative WordPress

WordPress - WP Capture Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme | ThemeForest

WP Capture Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme Creative WordPress his title this type of WordPress/Creative This time I will review,made by contempoinc, WordPress/Creative is sold at a price of $40 in themeforest.
WP Capture Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme - Creative WordPress
clean // creative // css3 // isotope // minimal // modern // page builder // portfolio // responsive // retina // seo // simple // white // wordpress theme //
Created 19 March 13
Last Update 12 June 13
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Eagle Logistics Responsive Retina-Ready HTML5 Corporate Site Templates

Site Templates - Eagle Logistics - Responsive Retina-Ready HTML5 | ThemeForest

Eagle Logistics Responsive Retina-Ready HTML5 Corporate Site Templates his title this type of SiteTemplates/Corporate This time I will review,made by ppandp, SiteTemplates/Corporate is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest.
Eagle Logistics - Responsive Retina-Ready HTML5 - Corporate Site Templates
brown // business // cargo // clean // corporate // engineer // lawyer // light // logistics // minimal // one-page // orange // responsive // single-page // travel //
Created 19 March 13
Last Update 19 March 13
Columns 3
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Kwuicq Drupal 6 Corporate Blue Theme Drupal CMS Themes

CMS Themes - Kwuicq Drupal 6 Corporate Blue Theme | ThemeForest

Kwuicq Drupal 6 Corporate Blue Theme Drupal CMS Themes his title this type of CMSThemes/Drupal This time I will review,made by settysantu, CMSThemes/Drupal is sold at a price of $35 in themeforest. Kwuicq Drupal 6 Corporate Blue Theme - Drupal CMS Themes blue // clean // corporate // jquery // web 2.0 //
Created 6 March 10
Last Update 6 March 10
Compatible Browsers Chrome 4, Chrome 5, Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, Opera, Safari
Documentation Well Documented
ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, JS Files, Layered PSD, PHP Files

Atlas Magento Theme Shopping Magento

eCommerce - Atlas Magento Theme | ThemeForest

Atlas Magento Theme Shopping Magento his title this type of eCommerce/Magento/Shopping This time I will review,made by jigowatt, eCommerce/Magento/Shopping is sold at a price of $75 in themeforest. Atlas Magento Theme - Shopping Magento ajax // e-commerce // jquery // magento // shopping // shopping cart // slider //
Created 23 April 10
Last Update 23 April 10
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Software Version Magento
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Genesis Business and Portfolio Joomla Template Business Corporate

CMS Themes - Genesis - Business and Portfolio Joomla Template | ThemeForest

Genesis Business and Portfolio Joomla Template Business Corporate his title this type of CMSThemes/Joomla/Corporate/Business This time I will review,made by templatesquare, CMSThemes/Joomla/Corporate/Business is sold at a price of $35 in themeforest. Genesis - Business and Portfolio Joomla Template - Business Corporate business // clean // corporate // css liquid menu // cufon // joomla 1.7 // lavalamp // nivo slider // portfolio // web 2.0 //
Created 19 October 11
Last Update 20 January 12
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version Joomla 2.5, Joomla 1.7, jQuery
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files