Tuesday, April 3, 2012

WE Email Newsletter Template Newsletters Email Templates

Marketing - WE Email Newsletter Template | ThemeForest

WE Email Newsletter Template Newsletters Email Templates his title this type of Marketing/EmailTemplates/Newsletters This time I will review,made by ser-html, Marketing/EmailTemplates/Newsletters is sold at a price of $9 in themeforest.
WE Email Newsletter Template - Newsletters Email Templates
blue // business // corporate // dark // e-mail // email // gallery // green // light // marketing // news // newsletter // promotion // red // template //
Created 6 March 13
Last Update 14 March 13
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Hotmail, Apple Mail
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included HTML Files

Continuum Magazine Wordpress Theme Blog / Magazine WordPress

WordPress - Continuum - Magazine Wordpress Theme | ThemeForest

Continuum Magazine Wordpress Theme Blog / Magazine WordPress his title this type of WordPress/Blog/Magazine This time I will review,made by IndustrialThemes, WordPress/Blog/Magazine is sold at a price of $45 in themeforest. Continuum - Magazine Wordpress Theme - Blog / Magazine WordPress custom widgets // gaming // jquery // magazine // movies // music // newspaper // nivo slider // reviews // shortcodes // slider // unique sidebars //
Created 30 April 11
Last Update 2 July 13
Columns 3
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.1, WordPress 3.0
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Smart 404 Page 404 Pages Specialty Pages

Site Templates - Smart 404 Page | ThemeForest

Smart 404 Page 404 Pages Specialty Pages his title this type of SiteTemplates/SpecialtyPages/404Pages This time I will review,made by settysantu, SiteTemplates/SpecialtyPages/404Pages is sold at a price of $5 in themeforest. Smart 404 Page - 404 Pages Specialty Pages clean // clean // error // server // simple //
Created 1 September 09
Last Update 1 September 09
Compatible Browsers Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed

The Mask Premium Creative HTML/CSS Template Business Corporate

Site Templates - The Mask - Premium Creative HTML/CSS Template | ThemeForest

The Mask Premium Creative HTML/CSS Template Business Corporate his title this type of SiteTemplates/Corporate/Business This time I will review,made by fireform, SiteTemplates/Corporate/Business is sold at a price of $16 in themeforest.
The Mask - Premium Creative HTML/CSS Template - Business Corporate
agency // business // clean // creative // elegant // modern // responsive //
Created 31 May 12
Last Update 24 December 12
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Liquid
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

App Showcase iPhone and Mobile App Apps Technology

Marketing - App Showcase - iPhone and Mobile App | ThemeForest

App Showcase iPhone and Mobile App Apps Technology his title this type of Marketing/LandingPages/Technology/Apps This time I will review,made by myTheme, Marketing/LandingPages/Technology/Apps is sold at a price of $9 in themeforest. App Showcase - iPhone and Mobile App - Apps Technology android // app // app store // apple // iphone // mobile // mobile app // polished // screencast // sharp // showcase // stylish // tabs // video // windows phone //
Created 19 March 11
Last Update 17 January 13
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Music: Musicians theme & Facebook app Nightlife Entertainment

WordPress - Music: Musicians theme & Facebook app | ThemeForest

Music: Musicians theme & Facebook app Nightlife Entertainment his title this type of WordPress/Entertainment/Nightlife This time I will review,made by Net-Labs, WordPress/Entertainment/Nightlife is sold at a price of $45 in themeforest.
Music: Musicians theme & Facebook app - Nightlife Entertainment
band // calendar // facebook app // jquery // mp3 player // musician // wordpress //
Created 8 February 12
Last Update 28 June 13
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4
Compatible With Facebook
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Akihabara HTML Theme Creative Site Templates

Site Templates - Akihabara HTML Theme | ThemeForest

Akihabara HTML Theme Creative Site Templates his title this type of SiteTemplates/Creative This time I will review,made by goThemeTeam, SiteTemplates/Creative is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest. Akihabara HTML Theme - Creative Site Templates blog // clean // creative // fancybox // html // jquery // minimal // modern // photography // professional // sleek // slider //
Created 18 September 10
Last Update 18 September 10
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Virtoo Landing Pages Marketing

Marketing - Virtoo | ThemeForest

Virtoo Landing Pages Marketing his title this type of Marketing/LandingPages This time I will review,made by owltemplates, Marketing/LandingPages is sold at a price of $12 in themeforest.
Virtoo - Landing Pages Marketing
blue // clean // dark // designer // ecommerce // email template // getstore // green // grey // photographer // product email // red // sharp // shop //
Created 10 January 12
Last Update 10 January 12
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Shopalicious Shopping PSD Template Shopping Retail

PSD Templates - Shopalicious - Shopping PSD Template | ThemeForest

Shopalicious Shopping PSD Template Shopping Retail his title this type of PSDTemplates/Retail/Shopping This time I will review,made by DockThemes, PSDTemplates/Retail/Shopping is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.
Shopalicious - Shopping PSD Template - Shopping Retail
commerce // e-commerce // minimal // psd // red // shop // shopping // store // textured //
Created 20 October 12
Last Update 20 October 12
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD
High Resolution Yes
Layered? Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS

VOGUE fashionable template. Fashion Retail

PSD Templates - VOGUE - fashionable template. | ThemeForest

VOGUE fashionable template. Fashion Retail his title this type of PSDTemplates/Retail/Fashion This time I will review,made by inwers, PSDTemplates/Retail/Fashion is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest. VOGUE - fashionable template. - Fashion Retail black // blue // fashion // green // layered // psd // red // template // template // web site // white // yellow-green //
Created 10 December 09
Last Update 10 December 09
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS3

Versatile Newsletter 2 9 layouts, modular system Newsletters Email Templates

Marketing - Versatile Newsletter 2 - 9 layouts, modular system | ThemeForest

Versatile Newsletter 2 9 layouts, modular system Newsletters Email Templates his title this type of Marketing/EmailTemplates/Newsletters This time I will review,made by bitpub, Marketing/EmailTemplates/Newsletters is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest. Versatile Newsletter 2 - 9 layouts, modular system - Newsletters Email Templates business // clean // corporate // e-shop // general purpose // product showcase // services //
Created 9 June 10
Last Update 26 January 11
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Hotmail, Apple Mail
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files

New Year 2013 | Responsive Mobile Template Mobile Site Templates

Site Templates - New Year 2013 | Responsive Mobile Template | ThemeForest

New Year 2013 | Responsive Mobile Template Mobile Site Templates his title this type of SiteTemplates/Mobile This time I will review,made by rv_designer, SiteTemplates/Mobile is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.
New Year 2013 | Responsive Mobile Template - Mobile Site Templates
android // blackberry // cordova // creative mobile // css3 // html5 // ipad template // iphone // liquid // mobile business // mobile template // mobile website // phonegap // portfolio // responsive //
Created 5 January 13
Last Update 25 January 13
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Compatible With Facebook
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Shop Mail HTML Email Template Email Templates Marketing

Marketing - Shop Mail - HTML Email Template | ThemeForest

Shop Mail HTML Email Template Email Templates Marketing his title this type of Marketing/EmailTemplates This time I will review,made by janio_araujo, Marketing/EmailTemplates is sold at a price of $16 in themeforest.
Shop Mail - HTML Email Template - Email Templates Marketing
campaign // commerce // email // email template // marketing // newsletter // products // promotion email // shop // shopping // store //
Created 20 September 12
Last Update 26 September 12
Columns 3
Compatible Browsers Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Hotmail, Apple Mail
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files

Strange Modern Portfolio HTML Template Portfolio Creative

Site Templates - Strange - Modern Portfolio HTML Template | ThemeForest

Strange Modern Portfolio HTML Template Portfolio Creative his title this type of SiteTemplates/Creative/Portfolio This time I will review,made by UnitedThemes, SiteTemplates/Creative/Portfolio is sold at a price of $15 in themeforest. Strange - Modern Portfolio HTML Template - Portfolio Creative business // clean design // clean template // corporate // creative // css3 // filterable portfolio // full width slider // jquery slider // modern design // php contact form // portfolio // quicksand // united themes //
Created 31 July 11
Last Update 2 February 13
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PNG, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

BigBrands Wordpress Portfolio Creative

WordPress - BigBrands - Wordpress | ThemeForest

BigBrands Wordpress Portfolio Creative his title this type of WordPress/Creative/Portfolio This time I will review,made by chrisfay, WordPress/Creative/Portfolio is sold at a price of $35 in themeforest. BigBrands - Wordpress - Portfolio Creative clean // cool // design // jquery // logo // modern // photography // portfolio // portfolio // soft // web // zoom //
Created 8 November 09
Last Update 25 March 11
Columns 2
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome 4, Chrome 5
Software Version WordPress 3.1, jQuery
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Smoke & Mirrors Wordpress Theme Portfolio Creative

WordPress - Smoke & Mirrors Wordpress Theme | ThemeForest

Smoke & Mirrors Wordpress Theme Portfolio Creative his title this type of WordPress/Creative/Portfolio This time I will review,made by starshade, WordPress/Creative/Portfolio is sold at a price of $45 in themeforest.
Smoke & Mirrors Wordpress Theme - Portfolio Creative
clean // fashion // gallery // jquery // photography // wordpress theme //
Created 12 December 12
Last Update 23 June 13
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution Yes
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

Dreamy Responsive Children WordPress Theme Children Retail

WordPress - Dreamy - Responsive Children WordPress Theme | ThemeForest

Dreamy Responsive Children WordPress Theme Children Retail his title this type of WordPress/Retail/Children This time I will review,made by themeskingdom, WordPress/Retail/Children is sold at a price of $40 in themeforest.
Dreamy - Responsive Children WordPress Theme - Children Retail
art // children // colorful // creative // daycare // entertainment // fun // kids // kindergarten // programs // school // slider // vibrant //
Created 26 November 12
Last Update 18 June 13
Columns 4+
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version WordPress 3.5
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Responsive
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files
Widget Ready Yes

The Luxury Shop PSD Retail PSD Templates

PSD Templates - The Luxury Shop - PSD | ThemeForest

The Luxury Shop PSD Retail PSD Templates his title this type of PSDTemplates/Retail This time I will review,made by michaellee, PSDTemplates/Retail is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.
The Luxury Shop - PSD - Retail PSD Templates
clean // clothing // e-commerce // fashion // home & furniture // lifestyle // lifestyle store // luxury shop // magento shop // modern // online-store // opencart psd // opencart-store // opencart-theme //
Created 9 November 12
Last Update 9 November 12
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD
High Resolution No
Layered? Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS5

DeepBlue Magento theme Shopping Magento

eCommerce - DeepBlue Magento theme | ThemeForest

DeepBlue Magento theme Shopping Magento his title this type of eCommerce/Magento/Shopping This time I will review,made by ser-html, eCommerce/Magento/Shopping is sold at a price of $70 in themeforest. DeepBlue Magento theme - Shopping Magento advanced menu // blue // cell phones // electornics // electronics // for computers // magento template // magento theme // round // shopping cart // slider // template //
Created 24 October 10
Last Update 15 January 12
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Software Version Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, Magento, jQuery
Documentation Unrated
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files

Detroit Lean Landing Page Creative Landing Pages

Marketing - Detroit Lean - Landing Page | ThemeForest

Detroit Lean Landing Page Creative Landing Pages his title this type of Marketing/LandingPages/Creative This time I will review,made by goThemeTeam, Marketing/LandingPages/Creative is sold at a price of $8 in themeforest. Detroit Lean - Landing Page - Creative Landing Pages app // business // clean // clean // corporate // creative // crisp // cufon // jquery // tabbed // video //
Created 24 December 10
Last Update 24 December 10
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Impact Mobile Creative PSD Templates

PSD Templates - Impact Mobile | ThemeForest

Impact Mobile Creative PSD Templates his title this type of PSDTemplates/Creative This time I will review,made by nocciolino, PSDTemplates/Creative is sold at a price of $8 in themeforest. Impact Mobile - Creative PSD Templates android // clean // iphone // mobile website // modern design // portfolio //
Created 2 August 11
Last Update 4 August 11
Graphics Files Included Photoshop PSD
Layered? Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS2
Pixel Dimensions 320x500