HTML5 - HTML5 Responsive Video Player & Advertising - CodeCanyon
HTML5 Responsive Video Player & Advertising his title this type of HTML5/Media This time I will review,made by _zac_, HTML5/Media is sold at a price of $13 in // advertisement // advertising // android // html5 // icon font // ios // ipad // iphone // media // mobile // responsive // retina // video // video player //
Created | 15 March 13 |
Last Update | 19 June 13 |
Compatible Browsers | IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Software Version | HTML5 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | JavaScript JS, HTML, XML, CSS |
More Info...HTML5 Responsive Vide ..
This is HTML 5 Video Player with/without advertisement system. You can use player to play advertisement video before your main video, and also you can have popup advertisement at any time wou want during playback. Advertisement can be removed. Player look is customisable via CSS, so you can easily customise colors and adjust it to your needs. Player si resizeable so it fits perfectly in every website design.
- easy setup
- responsive
- optional advertising (video & popup)
- multiple themes
- mobile friendly (iPhone, iPad, android)
- all browsers compatible
- 100% vector icons, retina-ready
- multiple instances: you can insert more players in same page
- optional logo: you can insert your logo as image (.jpg, .png). Logo position can be in bottom-left corner / bottom-right corner / top-right corner
- optional preview image: if you want your player to be paused when page loads, you can set preview image
- autohide controls: you can choose after how much seconds player controls will disappear
- autoplay: true/false
- auto-replay: true/false
- complete volume control
- optional share menu: facebook, twitter, myspace, wordpress, linkedin, flickr, blogger, delicious, mail
- optional embed code: for visitors to embed your player in their sites
- info window with HTML formatted text (it means you can insert links, change fonts, sizes with standard HTML tags)
- rewind
- tooltip for time
- tooltip for volume percentage
- fullscreen support (when not supported real fullscreen it switches to full browser support)
- double click to enter/exit fullscreen
- SPACE key play/pause (optional)
- ESCAPE key to exit fullscreen
- installation instructions included
23.4.2013. – 1.0.1- major code improvements, removed xml, IE9 and IE10 bugs fixed, text bugs fixed, added more features(clickable logo, clickable video…)
- added 3 more options: optional auto-replay when video reaches end, optional space key for play/pause, optional right-click menu
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